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System Disrupters

Have you ever considered the human body – designed by God – compared to machines built by men? Secularists don’t acknowledge the spirit that God put in charge of the body, but for today’s comparison we’re just looking at the physical “machine” of the body. Of course God’s design is far superior to anything ever created by man.

God’s design starts with an egg and a seed that combine in a mother’s womb and build a marvelous human body over the course of nine months! And that body can eventually reproduce additional “machines” with the help of another body of the opposite sex. Amazing! If you don’t think that’s all a big deal, you try designing something that can do that.

A man-made machine everyone is familiar with is the automobile. Its engine is made up of multiple systems such as the combustion, lubrication, cooling, electrical, and computer systems. If any of the systems are disrupted, the engine starts having problems pretty quickly. Automobile owners are all familiar with the lubrication system because of the frequent need to change the oil. Dirty oil doesn’t kill the engine immediately, but over time it ruins it.

The human body is also made up of multiple systems such as the immune, circulatory, lymphatic, muscular, reproductive, and endocrine systems. If any of the systems are disrupted, your body starts having problems pretty quickly. An acute injury such as a broken leg is pretty obvious. But there are many not-so-obvious system disrupters that – like dirty oil – produce some pretty serious symptoms. You may know what caused the broken leg, but what caused the cancer? All sorts of chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases have skyrocketing rates in this country.

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What’s going on?

Imagine a train engine pulling a bunch of train cars along the tracks and as it stops in towns along its route new train cars keep being added. Each engine has a towing capacity and if too much weight is added, it starts having problems. It’s similar to the trucks so many people drive. Each truck has a weight hauling and towing capacity. Trucks that look quite similar can have very different capabilities. If a truck engine is loaded beyond its capacity, things might start breaking and the engine life can be cut in half or worse. It’s that engine half life that can leave you wondering why it happened, kind of like cancer, if you’re unaware of the cause.

Just as train cars added behind the engine and weight added on a truck or trailer adds stress, strain, wear and tear, potentially shortening the life of the engine, system disrupters have a similar effect on our bodies. I used cancer above as an example that everyone has heard of but there are many, many problems plaguing people today. One of the remarkable things about the human body is that it is designed to self-repair many problems without any conscious effort. Nonetheless, there comes a breaking point – a day of reckoning for careless lifestyles and toxin overload.

CC BY-NC 2.0 by transaid images on Flickr

Knowing the common system disrupters and taking precautions can go a long way towards avoiding system breakdown. But regardless of one’s state of physical decline, understanding and eliminating or minimizing system disrupters will go a long way towards allowing your body to heal itself the way God designed it to. This is especially important for those recovering from injuries such as Mold Toxin Illness or suffering with chronic illness such as Lyme Disease. Please use this information as a springboard for discovery and action. Do your own research on any of these things to learn how it may be affecting you and what you can do about.

Common System Disrupters

  • Ultra processed food laden with unpronounceable additives and chemical residues from processing, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers.
  • Sedentary lifestyle (eg. desk job, couch potato).
  • Stress (eg. from work, relationships, finances, bad news, guilty conscience) and poor sleep.
  • Pathogens (eg. transmitted by blood sucking insects and other vectors) and biotoxins (eg. Sick Building Syndrome).
  • VOCs (ie. volatile organic compounds off-gassing from new products ranging from carpet to electronics), household chemical cleaners, chemicals in personal care products, and chemicals in treated water.
  • EMF’s (ie. electromagnetic frequencies from electrical currents and wireless signals).

Any one of these will make you more vulnerable to others, and then they have a compounding effect. Our ancestors didn’t face many of these. For most people in today’s world it’s not a matter of if, but when your toxic load reaches the breaking point. When that happens, things start going haywire in your body. The more you’re exposed to various system disrupters the more your body’s defenses are broken down. And the longer you’re exposed, the more serious and permanent the damage becomes. Each individual has different sensitivity levels to different system disrupters. Everyone’s body is unique and has its own weaknesses and history of system disrupters. As a result, the breaking point experience and resulting problems are different for each person.

Replace Bad with Good

  • Eat real food made by God: whole foods that come from plants and animals, the less steps away from harvest the better. There are endless varieties of delicious, nutritious food, especially when seasoned with culinary herbs that can even have medicinal benefits.
  • We were made to move – the more variety the better!
  • Give thanks for all your blessings; sow love, joy, and peace into the world around you; and find ways to get better sleep.

All of these practices literally help the systems in your body to function optimally, fight pathogens, and constantly detox. Forming these good habits while consciously avoiding system disrupters and toxin accumulation will help you to be more resilient so you can be a blessing to others.

Personal Experience

By the grace of God my family had already been working on establishing most of these good habits when we started getting hit hard with toxic mold on an ongoing basis. Among other things, mold biotoxins (ie. mycotoxins) disrupt your immune system. This made me more vulnerable to Borrelia, the pathogen that causes Lyme Disease. Among other things, Borrelia targets your collagen (ie. the primary building block of various connective tissues such as cartilage, tendons, and ligaments). I wore my smartphone (a source of EMFs) on a holster on my left hip for years and after the mold and Lyme hit, I got arthritis in my left hip. That’s my only symptom I’m aware of that correlates with EMFs. My wife has experienced tingling in the chest when she was lying on her back charging her phone with a power bank that she had placed on her chest.

Unfortunately, I could go on and on about all the cascading symptoms my family and I experienced as a result of system disrupters. But we know some people – and are aware of many more – whose health ended up a lot worse than ours. I believe that’s because of all the good habits we continue to work on.

You may have the biggest and best truck around and generally speaking it will work great for you as long as it’s well maintained and not overloaded beyond its hauling capacity. The same is true of your body. All the good habits in the world can’t make your body invincible to overwhelming toxic load and system disrupters. But if you remove the toxic load and control the system disrupters, all those good habits will help you heal!

After a few years of not wearing my smartphone on a holster on my left hip (and leaving it on airplane mode as much as possible and powering it off at night), the arthritis in my hip went away.

“For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.” (Psalm 139:13-14)

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1 thought on “System Disrupters”

  1. Pingback: My 3-Step Healing Protocol for Mold and Lyme – Sabbatical Ranch

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